Principal Brentnall

Welcome to Eleanor G. Hewitt Intermediate School! To ensure that our students are “Provided Education for Success in the World of Today and the Future,” the Hewitt Teachers provide the types of innovative experiences which support the 21st Century practices necessary to prepare students for a complex world. Our classrooms provide differentiated, student-driven experiences that create opportunities to engage, inspire, and empower its learners to reach their full potential as unique, responsible and educated members of our community.

Everything that we do here at Hewitt is focused on the development of the whole child. It is our belief that each individual student be provided with a sense of meaning, purpose, and belonging.

At Hewitt, we place great importance on our local community and believe that now, more than ever, the connections that matter most are human-to-human ones. That to develop a culture where everyone feels valued must be a collective responsibility. Therefore, we purposefully embed collaborative structures within the curriculum and through mechanisms such as mentorships, shared leadership, and parent & community outreach.

Our dedicated parent community continues to demonstrate their strong commitment to all of our students. This includes our outstanding PTO who support our students with service programs, school-spirit activities, and funding for various academic programs. All of our families are encouraged to participate in our PTO, as well as our many other opportunities for involvement throughout the school year.

We must not forget that it “Takes a Village” and to value the contributions of everyone on our team! It is only with the assistance of our families, clerical, custodial, cafeteria, counseling and classroom support personnel, that a high performing, healthy, safe, and productive environment can occur.

Personally, I believe strongly in the power of a smile, a hello, and a Thank You! I also believe in the importance of open and honest communication. Therefore, please feel free to contact me with any questions, ideas, or just to chat about our school or your child.

I am thrilled and honored to be a part of the Ringwood community and the Hewitt family! 

Dr. Kevin Brentnall